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    2 thoughts on “Comments”

    1. Does Napa’s ham radio club have a website? and do they offer license classes? Thanks for the article, maybe I’ll finally get my license after only thinking about since I was 14… uh, 41 years.

      1. Hi Gary.
        I guess you saw today’s article in the Register. Yes, you should go ahead and get a license!
        To answer your question, the Napa ham club is the Silverado Amateur Radio Society, with web site at
        The web site is a little stale, I’m afraid. I hope to get it spiffed up a bit before long.
        SARS does give the licensing exams about every 2 months; but we do not have any course leading to that. I think the Benicia club does, and maybe the Sonoma club. I think the best way to find out what is current is to go to, and then choose “Getting Licensed” and go from there.
        Eric, KD6GO

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